Friday, February 5, 2010

So, My Rats Died Sometime Today.

Hello there. It's been about 6 days now so I am quite deficient about writing in my blog lately. I have a bit of an excuse though. For the first few days I had computer problems. I won't go into that now (maybe I'll whine about it later when I have more time - LOL).

I have a dinner date of sorts and am running late so I was looking for inspiration for a little topic on my blogroll or whatever it is called. The first one that came up was something called My Awesomely Boring Life or something like that. That appealed. Sounded familiar. LOL. Anyway, the second post was a v-e-r-y short one which read, in it's entirety, So, My Rats Died Sometime Today. LOL.

I'm not laughing that his (assumedly) pets died. Just that it sounded so brief and ridiculous. I mean who has pet rats. I guess I wish I did. Then I could write justifiably short posts. Maybe, I'll buy myself a hamster. Just kidding. Anyway, gotta go. Will write more (probably) next time. Maybe a little something about Black History Month which started February 1st.


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